What We Did: My Little Explorer

by - May 24, 2015

What We Did: My Little Explorer

We have been fairly busy lately. So we haven't had much time to explore the outdoors and visit some family. So when we had the chance to do some exploring in the sun before we had to get in the car. We did just that. As you already may know Ellis loves to be outdoors. He's loving grass at the moment aswell. Which would be a complete story a few months ago when he wasn't too sure about the grass. Thankfully he know loves it. Giggles his little head off every time he gets to run around like a little hyper person. 

We've had a eventful weekend. I always love getting to the time to take my little man to places. Even if this is just to visit family or a friend. He loves being out the house and getting to walk around. He is really great at walking and more importantly he loves it. Would rather walk around than be pushed in his pushchair or stroller. So I've been writing a list of places I want to take Ellis this summer. May that should be a another post? 

Top: Next £14
Dungarees: Next
Sandals: Next £11

What have you been doing this weekend? Anything nice?

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  1. Thanks so much for following me on Bloglovin! I already followed you back as a support to each other! Really nice to meet you! Ur baby boy is so cute!!! :)

    Going to follow you on other social media, hope you can follow me back too! :)



    1. Thank you for following me. And thank you he's too cute at times :)
      I'll be sure to follow you back aswell

      xoxo Rebecca

  2. The dungarees are just too cute.
    I have been working this bank holiday weekend, but my husband took Little Bean to visit friends and his father. They had a great time.

    LindaLibraLoca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. Aww I agree, they are lovely before he put them on and then when he did put them him I just love them even more!! :)
      Aww I'm glad little one at a great bank holiday and maybe next time you may be off too :)
