Do You Ever Feel Isolated As A Mother?

by - May 21, 2015

Do You Ever Feel Isolated As A Mother?

Recently I've been having a few bad days. You know them kinda days when everything just gets on top of you and you start feeling isolated from your family or friends because of all the pressures of parenthood.

Well that's been what's been happening lately. Sometimes life gets piled on top of you and as a mother you also have all of them pressures aswell. What do you do when this happens? Because when this happened to me this week. I honestly didn't have a clue how to handle it.

With saying this, I basically only survive with having my nights to myself and nap time. Ellis goes to sleep around 7-8 every night. But this past week he has been going 10-11 and getting up during the night aswell. So his whole nap time routine and everything between has been through off course. So without this time for myself I've been really struggling to feel human.

Another thing I've started to notice lately is your friends without children love to do things after the kids bedtime. And some just don't take in to consideration that you can't just get a babysitter to go out after bedtime. sometimes because you just can't because you don't have anyone to babysit. Which is the case for me alot of the time. Well 99% of the time. And sometimes you just want to relax and catch up on things you can't do when your with the kiddies.

Does this happen to you or is it just me? Does anyone have these days? What are your best tips for surviving it?

Do you ever feel isolated as a mother? 

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  1. Hello Rebecca, I know exactly what you mean. Once you trespass to the motherhood world, everything changes, all your non-parent friends will keep doing their life without even think of you. It happened to me and I'm sure it's happening to a lot of mothers.
    My advice, get more friends, friends that are mums just like you. Our lives change throughout the years, we need to adapt to those changes and just keep going.

    x Marta

    1. Hey Marta,
      I'm glad that i'm not just the only one feeling this way. Thank you for the advice. I think I need to keep working on getting some mummy friends but hopefully blogging will help me with this.

      xoxo Rebecca

  2. Why don't you speak to Luke :)He's more than happy to have Ell if you need some time for yourself. We can even pick him up if you need us to :) hope little man's having a good week :)

  3. I can totally relate. Time for yourself gets so precious and sparse, people without kids just can't understand.

    LindaLibraLoca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. Completely agree in everyway. And it's hard to explain how it is to them aswell
