Mummy Monday: What I Did

by - May 18, 2015

  What I Did

 We started our day with a little play in the garden. Ellis at any chance he gets will go out in the garden or outside. I love seeing how excited he gets when he's running around. He loves playing "football" where you have to kick the ball and he picks it up and throws it.

After garden fun it was time for Ellis's nap time. He normally goes down for around 2-3 hours. This is the time that I get housework and some lunch usually. There is normally a million things on my list to get done and never do I get through them all in this time.

When Ellis woke up we ended up going to visit Nana then we stopped by Gran's for dinner. Ellis loves going over Gran's partly i think because everything is on one level and there is no stairs. Which means Ellis can access to the toilet. He loves flushing the toilet. I love seeing Ellis bond with his Gran. We then went home and got ready for Ellis's bedtime routine.

After Ellis got to sleep. I got some time to sit down and watch a film. I'm a Netflix addict. So whenever I get the chance to sit down and relax with some chocolate I take full advantage. 

Hope you enjoyed your weekend.
What did yous do this weekend?

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